A More Human Terrain
UPB’s report ‘A More Human Terrain’ has been submitted to the regeneration team at Croydon Council as part of public realm improvement being developed in the Fairfield area of Croydon.
Client: Croydon Council
UPB have been working in collaboration with the Brick Box CIC on a document outlining the strategic approach to public space within the Fairfield area of Croydon. Focussing on the Fairfield Halls Forecourt, events took place as part of Croydon’s ‘Ambition Festival’ to test and animate the forecourt, beginning the process of changing its perception from car park to public space.
The report analyses the events and speculates on the future of Fairfield Halls Forecourt through public realm interventions, exploring how the space could be included in the wider Fairfield masterplan.
Recommendations within the report include; encouraging the institutions within Fairfield to ‘cultivate new relationships’ and ‘increase their presence within the public realm of Croydon. As well as recommendations to curate a seasonal programme of arts and events in the Forecourt until more permanent proposals are developed.